Downstream User scaling tool for metals
Under REACH regulations, Downstream Users (DUs) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Exposure Scenario (ES)
provided by the Registrant. DUs must compare the Operational Conditions (OCs)
and Risk Management Measures (RMMs)
outlined in the ES to their own actual OCs and RMMs. It is possible that actual OCs and RMMs may differ from those specified in the ES, this does not necessarily indicate non-compliance. In all cases, the DU should still be able to demonstrate compliance with the ES.
Development of a DU scaling tool
The registrant can provide scaling rules as part of the exposure scenario (ES) to help downstream users (DUs) check compliance and increase flexibility for a wider range of users. EUROMETAUX and ARCHE Consulting have developed a DU scaling tool (originally initiated by EURAS) based on the spreadsheet version of EUSES, which is available for free. The tool allows DUs to input site-specific data, such as release factors, dilution, and bioavailability-corrected PNECs, and calculates exposure and risks in the background.
The registrant interface allows for the input of generic default OCs and RMMs, including those relevant for metals such as regional concentrations and solid-water partition coefficients.
The simple and easy-to-use DU-interface allows for site-specific adjustments to OCs and RMMs, including release factors, dilution, and the presence of a municipal sewage treatment plant. It also enables the input of bioavailability-corrected PNECs (Predicted No Effect Concentrations) for metals for which relevant models are available.
How does it work?
The ES scaling tool sheet allows the user to select a metal of concern, which will automatically populate several metal-specific parameters such as regional concentrations, PNECs, and solid-water partition coefficients. The DU can adjust key OCs and RMMs based on site-specific information, including release factors, dilution, and the presence of a municipal sewage treatment plant. In advanced mode (by clicking on plus buttons on the left), the DU can enter monitoring data or bioavailability-corrected PNECs for metals for which relevant models are available. The EUSES model runs in the background to calculate exposure and risks, and the resulting risk characterisation ratios allow the DU to assess safe use and check compliance with the ES if their OCs or RMMs differ from those in the ES. For more information on ES compliance checking, consult EUROMETAUX's guidance on ES for DU-mmies.
Important notes:
- The ES scaling tool is available for download and own use by EUROMETAUX members, entities that provided data for its development, and associated downstream users. Governmental organizations may also request access.
- The tool is compatible with Excel 2007 and is provided in the .xlsx format.
- If your desired metal is not included in the tool's background database, please reach out to the appropriate metal consortium for assistance.
- Feedback on the tool is greatly appreciated.
Request download permission
Please, send your comments mentioning the operating system and office/excel version to:

Frederik Verdonck
Managing Director
IBERA Diplomate
+32 9 216 70 60