Secure EU-Ecolabel certification of your products or services
The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary programme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are environmentally friendly. The EU Ecolabel is the official ecolabel in the EU and applies to a wide variety of products and services.
Certified products carry the flower logo which helps manufacturers, retailers and service providers gain recognition for their high environmental standards.
This logo also assists customers in making informed and reliable choices when purchasing products and services.
EU Ecolabel certification
The EU Ecolabel criteria are not based on one specific factor, but rather on a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its entire life-cycle, including the extraction of raw materials during the pre-production stage, production, distribution, and disposal.
To ensure compliance with the EU Ecolabel's rigorous standards, products that have been certified under the EU Ecolabel program are subject to documentation review and inspections.
ARCHE Consulting can help you apply successfully for EU Ecolabel certification, for product groups that involve an assessment of hazardous substances, such as cleaning products, paints and varnishes, and lubricants. In addition, we provide training and assist companies with reviewing their product portfolio in relation to EU Ecolabel certification.
How we support you through the EU Ecolabel process:
Compliance with EU requirements
Data analysis
Documentation and inspection
Cleaning products
Paints and varnishes
Training in EU Ecolabel certification process
Product portfolio review
Assistance during the certification process
Seth Schittekatte
Senior Project Scientist
+ 32 9 269 70 65