Dagobert Heijerick
Dagobert Heijerick
+32 9 216 70 69
Dagobert Heijerick obtained his Master Degree in 1994 at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (Environmental Technology) at Ghent University, followed by a degree in Environmental Sciences and Technologies at the same institute in 1995.
During the 1996-2002 period he was a scientific researcher at Ghent University who was primarily responsible for several research projects related to metal toxicity, bioavailability and the development of bioavailability models for metals.
At EURAS & ARCHE Consulting (2002 onwards), Dagobert Heijerick has been responsible for conducting environmental risk assessments of inorganic substances and complex materials (effects, fate and exposure). Other fields of expertise include the classification of substances and mixtures according to CLP and GHS, development and submission of REACH Registration dossiers for organic and inorganic substances/UVCBs (including the inquiry-process, generation of full/intermediate registration dossiers in IUCLID, assessment of strictly controlled conditions), and expert knowledge on the regulatory requirements of placing detergents and cosmetics on the EU-market. Dagobert Heijerick is also trainer at Amelior and Essenscia on topics such as CLP/GHS, classification of substances and mixtures, Safety Data Sheets and ecotoxicology. Dagobert Heijerick is also first author of several peer-reviewed scientific publications on metal toxicity, bioavailability and metal risk assessment.