Andreas Fettweis, PhD
Andreas Fettweis
Senior Project Scientist
+32 491 73 70 73
Andreas Fettweis graduated as Master in Bioscience Engineering at the KU Leuven in 2016. In 2022, he obtained a PhD at the Laboratory of Soil and Water Management and continued to work as a post-doctoral researcher for 1 more year. After university, he worked as an environmental risk assessor to support various metal industries and consortia with their REACH obligations.
His research is mainly focused on effect assessments of metals in the environment. More specifically, he specialized in metal and metal mixture toxicity on aquatic communities and the transfer of metal effects across trophic levels. During his post-doc, his main focus was on metal-induced antimicrobial resistance. He also has a passion for data science and modelling.
At ARCHE Consulting, Andreas uses his expertise in the environmental risk assessment of metals to support various scientific projects related to REACH.