2021. Bioavailability and Ecotoxicity of Lead in Soil: Implications for Setting Ecological Soil Quality Standards
Oorts, K., Smolders, E., Lanno, R., Chowdhury, M.J.
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2020. Validating the Use of a Toxicity Database for Prediction of Plant Cover and Biodiversity in Multi-Metal Mining-Impacted Soils
Guzmán-Rangel G., Torres Díaz, A.N., Pavón Meza, E.L., Oorts, K., Smolders, E.
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2020. Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends
Spooren, J., Binnemans, K., Björkmalm, J., Breemersch, K., Dams, Y., Folens, K., González-Moya, M., Horckmans, L., Komnitsas, K., Kurylak, W., Lopez, M., Mäkinen, J., Onisei, S., Oorts, K., Peys, A., Pietek, G., -Pontikes, Y., Snellings, R., Tripiana, M.,
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2019. Effects of Silver Nitrate are a Conservative Estimate for the Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Algae Growth and Daphnia magna Reproduction
Mertens, J., Oorts, K., Leverett, D., Arijs, K.
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2019. Effects of Soil Properties on the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Lead in Soil Invertebrates
Lanno, R.P., Oorts, K., Smolders, E., Albanese, K., Chowdhury, M.J.
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2018. GEMAS: Establishing geochemical background and threshold for 53 chemical elements in European agricultural soil
Reimann, C., Fabian, K., Birke, M., Filzmoser, P., Demetriades, A., Négrel, P., Oorts, K., Matschullat, J., de Caritat, P., The GEMAS Project Team
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2018. A framework for ecological risk assessment of metal mixtures in aquatic systems
Nys, C., Van Regenmortel, T., Janssen, C.R., Oorts, K., Smolders, E., De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.
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2018. Transformation-dissolution reactions partially explain adverse effects of metallic silver nanoparticles to soil nitrification in different soils
Bollyn, J., Willaert, B., Kerré, B., Moens, C., Arijs, K., Mertens, J., Leverett, D., Oorts, K., Smolders, E.
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2018. Specific Methodologies/Tools to Support Assessment
Van Sprang, P., Verdonck, F., Waeterschoot, H., Vercaigne, I., Vetter, D., Schade, J., Rader, K., Farley, K., Carbonaro, R., Oorts, K., Verougstraete, V., Merrington, G., Peters, A., Battersby, R.V.
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2017. Deriving and using limit values for metals for ecological protection of soils: Challenges and solutions
Merrington, G., Oorts, K., Schoeters, I.
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2017. GEMAS: Cadmium distribution and its sources in agricultural and grazing land soil of Europe - Original data versus clr-transformed data
Birke, M., Reimann, C., Rauch, U., Ladenberger, A., Demetriades, A., Jähne-Klingberg, F., Oorts, K., Gosar, M., Dinelli, E., Halamiƒá, J.
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2016. Use of GEMAS data for risk assessment of cadmium in European agricultural and grazing land soil under the REACH Regulation
Birke, M., Reimann, C., Oorts, K., Rauch, U., Demetriades, A., Dinelli, E., Ladenberger, A., Halamiƒá, J., Gosar, M., Jähne-Klingberg, F., The GEMAS Project Team
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2016. The way forward for risk assessment of nanomaterials in solid media
Scott-Fordsmand, J.J., Peijnenburg, W., Amorim, M.J.B., Landsiedel, R., Oorts, K.
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2015. Derivation of ecological standards for risk assessment of molybdate in soil
Oorts, K., Smolders, E., McGrath, S.P., van Gestel, C.A.M., McLaughlin, M.J., Carey, S.
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2015. Toxicity in lead salt spiked soils to plants, invertebrates and microbial processes: Unraveling effects of acidification, salt stress and ageing reactions
Smolders, E., Oorts, K., Peeters, S., Lanno, R., Cheyns, K.
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2014. Deriving site-specific soil clean-up values for metals and metalloids: Rationale for including protection of soil microbial processes
Kuperman, R.G., Siciliano, S.D., Römbke, J., Oorts, K.
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2013. Aging of nickel added to soils as predicted by soil pH and time
Ma, Y., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M.J., Oliver, I.W., Nolan, A.L., Oorts, K., Smolders, E.
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2013. Copper toxicity in soils under established vineyards in Europe: A survey
Ruyters, S., Salaets, P., Oorts, K., Smolders, E.
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2012. Effect of long-term equilibration on the toxicity of molybdenum to soil organisms
van Gestel, C.A.M., McGrath, S.P., Smolders, E., Ortiz, M.D., Borgman, E., Verweij, R.A., Buekers, J., Oorts, K.
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2009. Toxicity of Trace Metals in Soil as Affected by Soil Type and Aging After Contamination: Using Calibrated Bioavailability Models to Set Ecological Soil Standards
Smolders, E., Oorts, K., Van Sprang, P., Schoeters, I., Janssen, C.R., McGrath, S.P., Mclaughlin, M.J.
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