2023. Comparative in vivo toxicokinetics of silver powder, nanosilver and soluble silver compounds after oral administration to rats
Mertens, J., Alami, A., Arijs, K.
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2022. European freshwater silver monitoring data do not suggest a potential European-wide risk
Arijs, Katrien; Viaene, Karel; Van Sprang, Patrick; Nys, Charlotte; Mertens, Jelle
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2021. Setting a Protective Threshold Value for Silver Toward Freshwater Organisms
Arijs, K., Nys, C., Van Sprang, P., De Schamphelaere, K.A.C., Mertens J.
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2019. Effects of Silver Nitrate are a Conservative Estimate for the Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Algae Growth and Daphnia magna Reproduction
Mertens, J., Oorts, K., Leverett, D., Arijs, K.
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2018. Transformation-dissolution reactions partially explain adverse effects of metallic silver nanoparticles to soil nitrification in different soils
Bollyn, J., Willaert, B., Kerré, B., Moens, C., Arijs, K., Mertens, J., Leverett, D., Oorts, K., Smolders, E.
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