Why We’re Taking Action:

Historical metal pollution in our rivers and soils is a pressing issue that demands innovative solutions. The LIFE NARMENA project brings together seven dedicated partners to address this challenge, focusing on non-invasive, nature-based remediation methods.

By integrating soil and sediment remediation with nature conservation and flood risk management, we aim to create sustainable and lasting positive impacts on our environment.

Nature-Based Remediation

In Belgium’s nature reserves, we are demonstrating two groundbreaking nature-based remediation (NBR) methods. One of these methods is being implemented along the river banks of the Grote Calie in Turnhout, where Chromium (Cr) contamination remains a significant issue.

Traditional remediation techniques are often invasive, expensive, and labor-intensive. Instead, we are employing bacteria-assisted phytostabilization (BAP) to reduce the bioavailability and mobility of Cr, thereby limiting its exposure and spread.

At other test sites, such as the Winterbeek, constructed wetlands (CW) have been developed as well, to retain water and further reduce metal pollution and eliminate environmental risk

Predicting Ecotoxicological Impacts

Eco-modelling approaches developed and applied by ARCHE Consulting play a vital role in our project. These models predict the impact of our innovative soil remediation techniques on the environment. What is the toxicological impact of a concentration change on certain organisms? What is the availability of a particular harmful substance? By answering these important questions, ARCHE Consulting helps decision-makers impose threshold values for pollutants in the sediments of watercourses, ensuring our methods are safe and effective.

Learn More about the Pilot Study at the Winterbeek

(video in Dutch)

Click the video to see the developments regarding the remediation of historical metal pollution at the Winterbeek.