Formation of a BPR Consortium for Active Chlorine released from hypochlorite PT11-12 based Products

ARCHE Consulting is organizing a Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) consortium tailored for Active Chlorine released from hypochlorite PT11-12 based products.

This consortium is uniquely designed to capitalize on ARCHE Consulting's extensive experience in developing BPR dossiers for both individual products and Biocidal Product Families (BPF) within a consortium framework.

The objective of this consortium is two-fold:

  • To significantly enhance the likelihood of authorization for products or BPF, and;
  • To minimize costs during the dossier development and evaluation phases.

By pooling resources and expertise, the consortium aims to set a new standard in BPR dossier development!

As part of this initiative, ARCHE Consulting is actively engaging with interested companies to join the effort.

The time to indicate your interest to join the (pre-)consortium is now!