Working on substitution of hazardous chemicals? The Belgian Federal government launched the Belgium Builds Back Circular (BBBC) call, aiming to financially support innovative projects and research activities focused on eco-design and chemical substitution
BBBC Project Call
Project call for Belgium Builds Back Circular (BBBC2)
Working on substitution of hazardous chemicals? As part of the national plan for recovery and resilience, the Belgian federal government launched the Belgium Builds Back Circular (BBBC) call, which aims to financially support innovative projects and research activities focused on eco-design and chemical substitution to encourage the transition to a circular economy in Belgium.
ARCHE Consulting, in collaboration with Möbius Business Redesign, supported the Belgian Federal government in designing the second BBBC project call, that will include funding opportunities for projects related to substitution of the most harmful chemicals.
Project proposals are being accepted until 24 June 2023. For further information, please visit the FOD Economy website:
On March 15th, 2023, the Belgian federal government unveiled the second edition of the BELGIUM BUILDS BACK CIRCULAR (BBBC) project call, building on the success of its inaugural edition. This initiative aims to stimulate innovation among Belgian actors, facilitate circular investment opportunities, and promote Belgium's transition towards a circular economy. Federal Ministers Zakia Khattabi and Pierre-Yves Dermagne are leading this effort.
The calls published under BBBC serve to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Belgium. As part of Belgium's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), these calls are financed by the temporary European fund, Next Generation EU. The current BBBC call places emphasis on two key aspects of the circular economy: ecodesign and chemical substance substitution.
Substitution of the most harmful substances is considered in a broad sense. It includes projects that aim to introduce alternative chemicals, technologies and/or products to the market, which either avoid the use of the most harmful substances or eliminate their presence in a product. In addition, the proposed alternatives must enhance the circularity and safety of a manufacturing process or product.
Financial support
The funding for this second call ranges from a minimum of EUR 250.000 to a maximum of EUR 2.000.000 for projects focused on chemical substance substitution.
Target audience
This call targets organisations or consortia - governed by Belgian law or active on the Belgian territory - with special emphasis on enterprises, particularly SMEs, start-ups, research centres with a focus on applied research institutions, NGOs, consultancy firms, and similar institutions.