13th Biocidal Products Regulation Symposium

March 20, 2025
Sheraton, Brussels Airport (BE)

We are pleased to invite you to join our 13th BPR Symposium to be held on 20 March 2025 in Brussels.

Registration is open for our in-person Symposium with an agenda focused on the latest developments in biocides regulation.

This symposium is sponsored by:


08:45 Registration and coffee

09:20 Welcome

Session: Dossier Development
Chair: Frederik Verdonck (ARCHE Consulting)

09:30 Topic to be confirmed

To be confirmed

10:30 Flexibility vs. Fragility: Lessons from Biocide Dossiers

Lieve Claeys and Ellen Van Belle (ARCHE Consulting)

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 ED testing for biocides. Experiences from a CRO perspective

Sofia Sola Sancho (Charles River)

11:30 Navigating the dynamic BPR regulatory landscape

Anna Fraczkowska (Colgate)

12:00 Lunch

Session: Regulatory Updates
Chair: Koen Van Maldegem (FieldFisher)

13:15 Regulatory developments from another perspective: shifting goalposts

Erik van de Plassche

13:45 Navigating Changes and Challenges: Key Updates from the Ctgb

Cindy van der Meer (Ctgb)

14:15 Coffee break

14:45 Legal update and future trends in EU and GB BPR

Maud Grunchard and Koen Van Maldegem (Fieldfisher)

15:15 The uncontrolled loss of active substances under the BPR

Jules Bossert (Biocides for Europe)

15:45 Closing of the Symposium

Why attend?

Attending this symposium will ensure you are up to speed with the latest regulatory developments and will enable you to tackle the challenges presented by the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) No 528/2012).

Furthermore, this symposium is the ideal moment to get in contact with representatives from Competent Authorities, service providers and industry!

Who will benefit from this symposium?

Anyone involved in the placing on the market of biocidal products or active substances, who wants to remain compliant with the legislation and is active in regulatory affairs, R&D or marketing.


Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel, Brussels National Airport, B-1930 Brussels (http://www.sheratonbrusselsairport.com)


  • Registration fee is € 560 per person (excl. VAT) – and includes attendance of the symposium, programme materials, coffee/tea, refreshments and buffet lunch on 20 March 2025.
  • Early bird fee is € 460 per person (excl. VAT) for all registrations made until 7 February 2025.
  • Note that the number of participants to this symposium is limited and on a first come, first served basis. We advise early registration to avoid disappointment!
  • Registration should be done by 13 March 2025.
  • Payment terms: an invoice is sent, all payments must be received prior to the symposium.
  • Cancellation terms: € 50 cancellation fee for cancellations received before 13 March 2025, no refunds for later cancellations. Cancellations must be received in writing by mail. Please note that if you do not cancel and do not show up at the meeting, the outstanding amount will still be due.

Please note that hotel accommodation is NOT included in the registration fee. For hotel reservations, please contact the hotel directly http://www.sheratonbrusselsairport.com/.


We invite you to consider sponsoring our Symposium. Your support as a sponsor would be invaluable in ensuring the success and reach of our symposium. Below we present you our sponsorship options:

Gold Sponsorship Package:

  • Inclusion of your logo on all promotional material and electronic invitations
  • Acknowledgment as a sponsor in the program
  • Sponsor booth availability
  • Complimentary attendance for 2 of your colleagues 
  • Allocation of 5 free passes for your clients
  • Exclusive access to the participants’ list in advance (including company, first name, last name)

Silver Sponsorship Package:

  • Inclusion of your logo on all promotional material and electronic invitations
  • Acknowledgment as a sponsor in the program
  • Provision of 2 free passes for your colleagues to attend the event

Should you have any queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.